Juneteenth Oregon is an organization focused on the history and celebration of Juneteenth, as well as providing a space for education, culture, and support for communities of color.
Juneteenth Oregon supports the community by providing resources, education, and programs that assist black-owned businesses. In 2021 Juneteenth Oregon held the largest Celebration in Oregon.
Wyld has partnered with Juneteenth Oregon to donate both time and resources that further support Black businesses. This organization is heavily in-line with Wyld’s Social & Racial Justice pillar. We hope to further the impact of this organization by supporting the B.O.B. passports — creating this passport offers Oregon residents an opportunity to patron and invest in locally Black-owned businesses of all types. Additionally, Juneteenth Oregon amplifies the inclusive practices which Wyld believes should be common practice.
For more information, or to get involved, visit Juneteenth Oregon.