We know that finding your favorite products can be a hassle, and we’re here to help.
Want to browse the shelves and have a chat with a budtender? Head to our store locator to find the shop nearest to you.
Already know what you’re looking for? Check out the Pickup or Delivery options from dispensaries in your area below.
Shop Leafly
Shop Weedmaps
Shop Jane
Shop Dutchie
Still not sure what you’re looking for or how to purchase?* Please feel free to reach out to support@wyldcanna.com with any and all questions. We’re happy to help!
*Wyld products must be purchased from a state licensed dispensary or delivery service – we are unable to ship or sell our products directly to consumers at this time.
Wyld products are currently available in AZ, CA, CO, IL, MD, MI, MO, NM, NV, OK, OR, and WA.